S.M.i.L.E Niseko Japanese and English Language School S.M.i.L.E Niseko Japanese and English Language School

English for Communication from 15 to Adults

More people in the World speak English as a Communication tool or a second language than those who speak it from childhood. So, if you are interested in English simply to communicate with others you are in the majority and should relax.   

If you want to do any of the following SMiLE can help:

  • speak to people from many different countries confidently and comfortably
  • enjoy overseas travel 
  • chatting to foreign visitors in the Gondola!
  • understand movies and music in English 
  • help visiting tourists who need directions, help or ski tips !
  • meet a foreign partner, boyfriend, girlfriend … (probably better if you’re single!)  
  • make your social World much, much bigger !   

Challenges for adult learners

We really considered what the sticking points are for adults in Japan when trying to communicate in English.

One issue seems to be that people find few situations to use their English. So, they tend to forget it or even if they do remember it, they often haven’t built up sufficient confidence through classroom practice to ‘go for it’ and try it out in a real situation.

Luckily this is not the case in the increasingly International Niseko area where foreigners live, work and play. It's a great opportunity to progress and we help and encourage learners to go out and practice what they have studied straight away. Your homework is likely to be using what you have learnt in a ‘real conversation’.

Another issue is maintaining motivation. It’s hard for people who feel like they have studied English for years to keep going unless they can measure and identify their progress.

So, whilst our courses do not teach ‘to a test' or an exam date, they do prepare students so that when they feel ready, they can check their progress and take the highly valued International Cambridge English exams in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.

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Our goal

Our goal is that individuals can enjoy studying communicative English in a small group (max 12 people) but at the same time :

  • work through Globally respected Certification at ‘my pace’
  • practice speaking, listening, reading and writing in each and every lesson
  • use the English they have studied in real conversations between lessons

* A simplified comparison of Cambridge English KET, PET and FCE levels with IELTS, TOEFL (developed for US University application) and TOEIC and STEP (for Japan) 

CEFR** Cambridge 英検
Young Learners
** Common European Framework Reference
CPE 9.00 670+/293+ 990+
CEFR C2 8.50
8.00 1級
CAE 7.50 600/250 890
C1 7.00
FCE 6.50 530/197 810 準1級
B2 6.00 660
5.50 590
5.00 460/140 520
PET for Schools
4.50 450 2級
B1 4.00 400/97 380
3.50 310
KET for Schools
3.00 220 準2級
Flyers A2 2.50
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Hokkaido Exam Centre - JP 181

Hokkaido Exam Centre JP 181 is authorised by Cambridge Assessment English

We prepare students for and offer the following Cambridge English exams :

Young Learners Tests ( Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers, A2 Flyers )   
A2 Key & A2 Key for schools
B1 Preliminary & B1 Preliminary for schools
B2 First & B2 First for schools
Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)
Delta Module 1

2016 30 week course for Adults

Join our new 30 week course starting April 2016 and receive a review and assessment of your current English level with study recommendations.

Course details for Adults

Please see our Japanese site.

Course dates :

Duration :

Frequency of lessons:

Duration of each lesson:

Time of day:

Max. no. in class:
